Today, I wanted to get a full overview of all the Microsoft Teams teams sites that I have in my tenant. I decided to put PnP PowerShell to the test for this.

I found that Get-PnPTenantSite didn’t include my team sites and therefore I had to look for different options. Quite quickly I found a solution. I had to go through the following steps:

  • Connect to my SharePoint Admin Center site.
  • Display the list items in this list


Connecting to the Admin Center site

To connect to the Admin Center site I’m running the following command:

[code lang=text]
Connect-PnPOnline https:/ /

Get the list

First I need to get the site. Then I load my lists just to have a look at which lists exist:

[code lang=text]
$site = Get-PnPSite
$site.Context.Load( $site.RootWeb)

$web = $site.RootWeb

$site.Context.Load( $web.Lists)

Now a quick look at $web.Lists shows me that there is a list with a very long name: DO_NOT_DELETE_SPLIST_TENANTADMIN_AGGREGATED_SITECOLLECTIONS

Microsoft Teams - Get all your Team sites using PnP PowerShell! Microsoft Office 365 lists

Not sure who came up with this name for a list. But it is very noticeable.

Now I get my list:

[code lang=text]
$list = $web.Lists[5]

Display The List Items

Ok, we are nearly there. Just get all the list items and spit out the SiteUrl

[code lang=text]
for ($x = 0; $x -lt $list.ItemCount; $x++ )
$item = $list.GetItemById($x)

$site.Context.Load( $item)

Write-Host $item.FieldValues.SiteUrl : $item.FieldValues.TemplateTitle

Yes I know I could clean up the above code a bit. e.g. use a Query and query the list for the list items. But for simplicity I kept the code as simple as possible.

Ok, So now I’ve got all of my site collections listed with their templates used. All the sites marked Team site are my modern team sites.

Microsoft Teams - Get all your Team sites using PnP PowerShell! Microsoft Office 365 teamssites

So now we need to find a way to filter out the Modern Team sites that were created within SharePoint rather than Microsoft Teams. ( Thanks Paul Keijzers for pointing this out
!). Unfortunately there isn’t an option for this yet!

Avatar for Pieter Veenstra

By Pieter Veenstra

Business Applications Microsoft MVP working as the Head of Power Platform at Vantage 365. You can contact me using

14 thoughts on “Microsoft Teams – Get all your Team sites using PnP PowerShell!”
    1. So after you run :

      $site = Get-PnPSite
      $site.Context.Load( $site.RootWeb)
      $web = $site.RootWeb
      $site.Context.Load( $web.Lists)

      When you then run:
      Write-Host $web.Lists

      Do you get any lists returned?

      1. running $web.Lists returns:

        PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $web.Lists

        Title Id Url
        —– — —
        appdata bbe2353d-d36a-4f9f-b9dd-9e3cb055f605
        appfiles 42f2eafe-2ca2-4cb1-9212-6546020a1d65
        Durchkomponierte Looks e4bb8bc6-7637-4df5-a522-850f90aaf860
        Fehlerprotokoll für die Inhaltstypveröffentlichung 41f93a5d-38b4-45ef-be16-96ce85ccf773
        Konvertierte Formulare 46fc4c27-489c-4719-909e-77307fa55520
        ExtranetInvitationStatusList ee316473-748e-47e9-a675-cbacd7cd2bb1
        Formularvorlagen 1703d8cb-edb0-4806-9c89-9fae2d1e4d7b
        Listenvorlagenkatalog c30df519-064d-4765-b7f6-c4838b1c9f27
        Wartungsprotokollbibliothek f08883e3-ec55-4189-b8dd-dfdd5de26783
        Gestaltungsvorlagenkatalog 97e2c6c7-fa83-4055-980a-aebde35cfa4d
        Suchkonfigurationsliste 8f70c86f-460f-4e39-975a-5cd4305af7c6
        Lösungskatalog 664ce078-7546-4cb4-89ea-ec72e1a8369e
        Formatbibliothek 86998856-0b82-41d0-9ebf-564b78f2a56b
        TaxonomyHiddenList 9e81c72e-89fe-49bc-bcb0-b17f2053b94f
        Designkatalog 1f935dd8-1960-4b5b-b870-59347316d805
        Benutzerinformationsliste 64fc64bc-1cae-4e80-a272-9f4cf0aeb80f
        Webpartkatalog 2d7e08a8-7e9f-48d7-8aa9-8888140ae5da

        but running Write-Host — returns the below?
        PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Write-Host $web.Lists
        Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.
        List Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List Microsoft.SharePoint.Cl
        ient.List Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List Microsoft.SharePoi
        nt.Client.List Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List Microsoft.Sha
        rePoint.Client.List Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List

      2. I just realised that the following code could fail.

        for ($x = 0; $x -lt $list.ItemCount; $x++ )
        $item = $list.GetItemById($x)

        $site.Context.Load( $item)

        Write-Host $item.FieldValues.SiteUrl : $item.FieldValues.TemplateTitle

        Can you check you $list.ItemCount? The above assumes that you don’t have any site collection that were deleted. If you get the $list.ItemCount then we can see how many items there are in the list.

        Also Try running Get-PnPListItem -List $list

        That should return all items in the list.

  1. Hi Pieter

    for what ever reason I got some output now — with an error – -but an output.
    If you allow me to ask — all the stuff I am trying is to find a way to use MS Teams with SPO behind and using a “template” which I ca precustomize before I create the “Team” — e.g. Doc Library — Metadata stuff etc. — And my aim was to find the “Master template Teams is using”
    Any idea for this? thx in advance

    PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $list = $web.Lists[5]

    PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> for ($x = 0; $x -lt $list.ItemCount; $x++ )
    $item = $list.GetItemById($x)

    $site.Context.Load( $item)

    Write-Host $item.FieldValues.SiteUrl : $item.FieldValues.TemplateTitle
    Ausnahme beim Aufrufen von “ExecuteQuery” mit 0 Argument(en): “Das Element ist nicht vorhanden. Möglicherweise wurde es von
    einem anderen Benutzer gelöscht.”
    In Zeile:6 Zeichen:1
    + $site.Context.ExecuteQuery()
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ServerException

    : : Team site (classic experience) : Team site : PointPublishing Topic : Team site : Team site : Team site : Team site : Team site : My Site Host : Tenant Admin Site : Compliance Policy Center : Team site (classic experience) : Enterprise Search Center : PointPublishing Hub : Team site : Team site : Team site : App Catalog Site : Team site : Team site : Team site : Team site : Team site : Team site (classic experience) : Team site : Team site

    PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-PnPListItem -List $list

    Id Title GUID
    — —– —-
    1 Akte 8 Team Site 192b3c1c-9726-4a4f-bad7-3fe24cd20418
    2 windowsapps a6fbd985-beab-4f8d-ac7d-8865c37061d1
    3 Community 1b181f4f-e890-4cbc-9ad8-0a9d6f209c05
    4 Development fd2b8282-5766-43da-9e4d-621fdf8ea62a
    5 HR Steven d102b0df-c671-45d0-9e00-afda777031d5
    6 HR Steffi e4f7fb28-16f3-49dc-b9dd-667d9e9298be
    7 intern 559f7f53-5c6d-46b4-8b70-9c5ec99f93e4
    8 intern 1bef2a19-7227-4f34-869d-a49cd69802ce
    9 936e3e36-88de-4f69-a46d-7381b9e911a8
    10 Tenant Administration 2552f498-8fc0-4963-b752-e5bd3599ecb9
    11 Site Based Retention acd8a2e7-7d3f-4dbd-a32e-c9b31812a042
    12 Team Site d55bf1b3-0808-43ff-9b5a-56e0edeec5a8
    13 92510841-3d0a-4845-bc38-ef13d0fe61b1
    14 PointPublishing Hub Site 709c0133-ee8b-48f1-8d21-dc2fc7b29557
    15 akte8 cf397f61-c177-4ac9-bc62-284f8b0a47f6
    16 privat d7e94145-c8cf-48df-b576-80554ea31b95
    17 olli_doc-test 978943e1-47e3-42d3-a054-82c1afc0bef8
    18 Office Add-Ins 6f871349-2ce8-464d-aad8-4ab7908629df
    19 Stammdaten f293455f-b9e5-430d-92e7-f77deae0643e
    20 testdocs ae577542-a6f6-4d5e-bc52-5e5282c29d88
    21 Akte8 Admin ec345a88-0087-4809-8055-027081473e78
    22 Hans Mustermann ./. Oliver Test 3f0f48f3-b02c-488b-98fd-023e161bd492
    23 Akte8 Auswertung 7deefd88-5de4-4048-9c14-f500ea3eb120
    24 Akte 8 Team Site 97964061-9862-49a5-a307-b017f73d231d
    25 0001 c1d9d697-fbe6-4156-a76f-b61d0bfc3d56
    26 0002 1ee17bcd-e217-49d8-a5ee-97d0ca1754b7
    27 0003 c45e41a1-1f18-4bd0-b861-2feb5c4fef2c
    28 0004 eb52e9d3-05f4-4494-b64c-bb38903ab5c3
    29 0005 e95fa92c-9430-4b01-9da0-e2033942683a
    30 0006 4b01e2a9-da2e-4077-adb4-c99577ecc009
    31 0007 c5d02a37-fdc4-4e63-9d01-5adcd6144e81
    32 0008 3babe342-15ae-4735-aeb2-269aa5786e08
    33 0009 e6df2f54-5922-432c-802b-d58be17c8e8d
    34 0011 b1580bec-8906-4f5a-aa82-fd4cfceb6076
    35 0012 3dec55f7-04a6-4f4f-996b-360deb3754b8
    36 0013 cf6b5c63-666a-426a-9222-76b2fc986f1e
    37 0014 12db0bb9-0a5d-44a2-9e51-0975210e45b2
    38 0010 4c72861b-fa5e-4722-adda-d87f47530745
    39 0015 e987f717-925e-412e-ad99-065c2b9df1c2
    40 0016 8f8b11b2-b510-4950-a9a5-385413fa5f6e
    41 0017 7b513906-eb2f-4ccc-88b9-3ff7abf9e2f6
    42 0018 8254aed3-022b-4db1-bbf2-a71c9fdef2aa
    43 0019 71477c76-b763-41e9-91b2-a8b4b78b8d13
    44 0020 755676e7-229e-4a75-aefc-a2a1844d629c
    45 0021 3f8b6ab6-d7a3-4edf-84c4-794b70b6a56c
    46 0022 d3d64358-964c-455f-8abc-4984b72c46c5
    47 0022 8dfd9f20-382f-4401-9871-3afa06fdbeb6
    48 0023 913d7735-d148-4632-9c62-5c7ca2b0e473
    49 0024 2fe51a24-8613-418d-b36f-f91565045499
    50 0024 7170ed39-776b-4726-9f9f-3c4da505e8de
    51 0025 7f1d035d-b4b9-4d64-8f34-98fb4acc43d3
    52 Testing 5d6bb22e-ee8a-4f02-9b31-33811c84e4f1
    53 test d277d824-1bb1-4f3b-bb25-d768341ab23b
    54 111 dbb30aab-23a0-401c-bc1c-a95537c77207

    1. Ok. So all the sites that are marked “Team site” will be your sites in Teams or sites that were created using the teams template by going to SharePoint (in the top bar) and then select the Team template rather than the Communication template. The sites marked “Team site (classic experience)” are sites that were created before the modern experience came in. If you want to modify sites of a certain template, then yo could use Get-PNPProvisioningTemplate to get a template from a site and Apply-PnPProvisioningTemplate to apply a template to another site. So If you have a site where you added a custom list, you could get a template and apply that to another site collection.

    1. Thanks Erwin!

      I think when I tried that in the past (without the -WebTemplate Group#0) I didn’t get the full list of sites back. With the WebTemplate option it indeed works. I’m not sure that I like it that the Get-PnPTenantSite doesn’t return all the sites which use the Group#0 template though.

  2. “So now we need to find a way to filter out the Modern Team sites that were created within SharePoint rather than Microsoft Teams” – do we have a way of listing all of the sites created by Microsoft Teams yet ? Or does Erwin’s PnP PowerShell resolve the issue ?

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